Applying for Social Security Disability

On-Line Class

This class explains the difference between SSI and SSDI, walks people through the application process, explains what medical evidence Social Security will expect to see, and more. There is also time built in to ask Cheri questions and get answers. This class is ideal for people applying for Social Security for the first time as […]

Event Series Career Destinations

Career Destinations

Pinon Project 210 East Main Street, Cortez

Education and assistance with your job search find employment              planning how to apply                      resumes job boards                          employment applications career discussions            Division of […]

Event Series Brain Injury Support Group

Brain Injury Support Group

Varies Durango, CO

The Brain Injury Support Group meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month via Zoom and/or in person.  The 4th Wednesday is generally some sort of recreational activity - lunch, mini golf, picnics, etc.  Please contact for information  

Applying for Social Security Disability

On-Line Class

This class explains the difference between SSI and SSDI, walks people through the application process, explains what medical evidence Social Security will expect to see, and more. There is also time built in to ask Cheri questions and get answers. This class is ideal for people applying for Social Security for the first time as […]

Annual Summer Picnic

Memorial Park in Durango 2901 E. 3rd Ave, Durango, CO

Potluck! Burgers are provided by Sunnyside Meats.