We have recently moved!
Our new Durango office is located at 130 Rock Point Drive, Unit B, Durango, CO. We look forward to seeing you in our new space!
open office hours
(no appointment necessary)
Available every Wednesday at our Durango office from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
& every Friday at our Cortez office from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.
Services are also available Monday through Friday via phone call or by appointment.
We do not provide emergency services.
Southwest Center for Independence
People with disabilities providing support and training for people with disabilities and those who are aging to live well in southwest Colorado. Serving Dolores, Montezuma, San Juan, Archuleta, and La Plata counties.
Never miss a beat. Head over to our Calendar and check our latest events!
We have a team of specialists ready to support you. Check out our programs!
Invest with SWCI to create a world where people with disabilities are valued friends and neighbors who participate in their communities!

People with disabilities providing supports and training for the disability and aging communities to live well in southwest Colorado.
We envision a world where people with disabilities and elders are respected and included members of their communities, making their own decisions, directing the supports and services they need to live well in the community, and giving back to the community from their strengths.

SWCI Programs
Check out our Programs
Independent Living
We have a team of Independent Living Specialist ready to support you to become more self-determined in daily life.
Southwest Center for Independence is pleased to offer Southwest Rides, a fully ADA accessible transportation service.
We partner with local Aging and Disability Resource Centers and Single Entry Points to provide Community Transition Services.
“Independent Living is not doing things by yourself. It is being in charge of how things are done.”
Judy Heumann
“Independent Living is not doing things by yourself. It is being in charge of how things are done.”
Judy Heumann

About swci
Our Core Values
Check out the core values embraced by Centers for Independent Living
Cross disability
Meaning people with all disabilities and of all ages are included. While the daily details of our disabilities are different, we are all experiencing the same societal barriers and oppression.
Equal Access to society
Meaning that as barriers are removed and legal rights are honored, society in its broadest sense appreciates and includes people with disabilities in education, employment, housing, recreation, transportation, and all other forms of public and private.
Consumer Control
Meaning the individual with a disability must be able to make their own choices, and to be in charge of their own life. Consumer control also means that the organizations best suited to assist us are not run by parents, social workers, or medical professionals, but by us, people who have disabilities.
Self-help and peer support
Meaning that people learn and grow by discussing their needs, concerns and issues with people who have had similar experiences.
SWCI Quick Links
Explore Southwest Center for Independence
Support Southwest Center for Independence
Invest with SWCI to create a world where people with disabilities are valued friends and neighbors who participate in their communities!